The Highlands HOA is advised and managed by the elected Board of Directors, Board Officers, and an external Manager
Community Association Manager
- Advise and provide administrative, managerial, and operational counsel to the association governing body
- Exhibit professionalism and loyalty to the Board of Directors
- Exercise diligence in performing duties on the Board's behalf
- Account for financial activities covered by the Management Agreement
- Provides monthly and annual financial statements
- Manage and pay all Operational expenses
- Facilitate and manage Annual Homeowner meeting / election of HOA Board members
The Board of Directors
Depending on the management agreement, some of the following responsibilities can be turned over to a management company
- Primary administrative contact for the Association
- Presides at all meetings of the Board
- Executes legal documents on behalf of the Association
- Signatory, along with Treasurer and Secretary, on bank accounts
- Sets Board meeting agendas
- Represents the Board before the residents
Vice President
- Performs all of the duties of the president in his/her absence
- Typically shares some of the burden of the president regarding appearances, liaison, public hearings, etc.
- Usually assigned liaison responsibility to specific staff or contractors, and to specific committees
- Prepares and distributes board and membership meeting agendas, minutes, and materials referred to in minutes
- Maintains minutes and book on all meetings
- Attests, by signature, to the legitimacy of certain documents
- Works with appropriate staff, contractors, and committees to develop and submit annual operating budget for approval
- Maintains adequate records of all association financial transactions
- Maintains roster of disbursement of funds, as authorized